IOTA Contest planning by Don G4LOO

This year the Islands on the Air contest will take place this week end 27 July to 28 July,

The set up will begin at 10.00 (clock time) today (Friday) and the pack up will take place starting at 13.00 (clock time) Sunday. Don passed around a copy of the rota for any member who would like to operate.

Don explained the contest details, i.e.  SSB and CW on all bands except 10 MHz, 12 and 17 MHz. The club will be running two stations, “Run” and “Multiplier”  A run down of equipment to be used followed. Aerials to be used were listed and where each station would be located. Station 1 will be the Run station attempting to work as many stations as possible by calling CQ. The multiplier station must not operate on the same band as the Run station and should use the Cluster to find multipliers. Often hearing a station report their IOTA number will be a clue.  “World” stations i.e. will not have an IOTA number so will not count as a multiplier. The only details to be exchanged to make a valid contact are Callsign, Signal report (usually 59 or 599 for CW), Serial Number and IOTA reference e.g. EU-005 .(if applicable)

Don continued with descriptions of equipment to be used etc. and made the reminder that equipment will be taken down Sunday at 13.00 (Clock time)

Good Luck