Our club Dinner this year, was a Club Lunch! Members, wives and friends met on Sunday mid-day at the Stratton House Hotel in Biggleswade, Beds. The attendance was up in numbers this year, possibly because of the mid-day meal and perhaps because it was such a sunny day! Cups were awarded in various categories. In total, they were:
The G8EMJ Shield for Major Project, to Don Ross, G4LOO
The Dr Little Cup for the Weekend Special, to Don Ross, G4LOO
The G2DPQ Cup for Kit Construction to Larry, G4OXY
The G4CBI Cup for Best Talk by a Member to Brian, G8GHR
The G3JKK Shield for Club Support to Paul, G1GSN
The Round Trophy for Club Quiz Winning Team to the Luton VHF Group
Unfortunately, not all the winners were in attendance, but they will receive their prizes at one of our club meetings.