2012 BBQ, 26 July

Last evening the club had the final meeting for the summer, the annual BBQ. For a change,the weather was glorious!  Warm sunshine, soft breeze, and thanks to Don, the grass had been cut.The warmth lasted right up to sunset and by that time the 19 members who attended were ready to head to home.  The fire, and something to put it in, was supplied by Bryan and the photos were taken by Paul.  All in all, a success!

We look forward to all members again when the club restarts on 13th of September when we will have the usual Welcome Back and Richard and Ian will do the final project check and test.

Video Evening, 19 July 2012

Last evening, the club had a video evening, mostly due to other plans not coming to fruition.  We saw a film made in 1942  to boost the morale and team spirit of the factory workers at Hallicrafters.

The company showed how they adapted a transmitter made for the amateur market for use by the military. The finished product was the SCR-299, a complete mobile HF station on frequencies from 2 to 8 MHz (and 1–18 MHz using conversion kits) with transmitter output of 300 watts  AM or 400 watts CW!  As a footnote, I see the cost of the amateur transmitter (BC-610) was $700. – about the same price as a new car!

Then a great leap in time and technical advancement, the next video showed slow motion close ups of the Shuttle launches. Over one hundred and fifty cameras placed near critical parts of the Shuttle captured images at up to 400 frames per second to show engineers just what happened during a launch.  Very impressive imagery!

 Next Week, Thursday, 26th of July, will be the BBQ at Barry’s field.  The BBQ should be lit about 18:00 BST to be ready for a start at 18:30 BST.  Bring your own Picnic, seating, plates and cups as well at cutlery. Forecasters are saying the weather should be a bit more like summer!

12 July 2012 – A 2M Pedestrian DF Hunt in the Rain

In spite of the rain, seven members turned out to try to find the coe-foxes, Terry and Peter who were located at the top of Great Hill off Lucas Way in Shefford.

The hunt started at 8pm and at 8:52  Michael was sucessful, followed at 8:57 by David.  Only two minutes later, Derek and Michael’s dad, John also found them.

The remaining three members, Ken, Richard and Paul were content that the fox had been found and retired to the White Hart where they were soon followed by the others – looking very wet!