Using a Power Point presentation, I tried to explain some of the ways of operating split frequencies using the club’s rig. Like many of the modern rigs, there is more than one way of doing things, but some rely on other settings, as well. I also explained why working split in a pile up is advantageous, and how the set up differs if you are the DX station or the person calling the DX. A note was made of the logger we will be using for G100RSGB and how the RSGB will deal with all the QSL chores so long as we submit our logs in .adif format. Later, the rig was set up and members had a chance to try out the settings for themselves.
Monthly Archives: June 2013
20 June 2013 – 2M Mobile DF Hunt
The Summer Mobile DF hunt took place last evening in Shefford. Although it had been raining earlier in the day, the evening turned out fine. Five vehicles set out at 8pm searching for Bryan, M0BIK who was the fox, assisted by Terry, G4UEM. Bryan’s 25 milliwatts from behind The Bridge pub,which is about 200 yds from the clubhouse was very strong at the starting line. The starting mileage from each entrant was registered since the member who drove the shortest distance would be the winner. The final count was:
· Stewart G3RXQ = 4.8 miles (the winner)
Steve M0DYR = just short of 7 miles
· John 2E0OAK = 7 miles
· Paul G1GSN = 8 miles
· Derek M0DLM = 9 miles
13 June 3013 – VHF/UHF NFD Planning
Paul, G1GSN, who led the planning session said the location had been registered with the Contest Committee. We would be entering the same sections as last year; 4M and 6M would be in the restricted section. The location of the site and maps were offered to members who were not familiar with the area.
Paul then followed by making a list of the equipment that needed to be supplied by members or the club, which in addition to radios, included such items as tents, tables, chairs and laptops with updated software.
It was decided that the heavy equipment would be moved on the site on Friday since there were some members who would be staying overnight. The main job of setting up would start on Saturday morning at about 09:00 to be ready for the contest start at 3PM BST.
Discussions followed about operating techniques and the need for accurate logging.
6 June 2013 – Planning for a Special Event Station
Bryan, M0BIK using a Power Point presentation outlined the ‘Why, When and Where’ this event would take place. The RSGB has arraigned with Ofcom for affiliated clubs to use a special callsign,G100RSGB, to celebrate the RSGB’s 100 years as the National Society. Each period of either a week or a few days the callsign would be assigned to a different Region and our Region 9 will allow us to operate with the callsign from 28 to 30 June. Brian detailed how we could use the field to best advantage and asked for operators to come forward to sign up. As yet, not a lot of operators have signed, but as we get nearer to the time, it is expected that more members will be able to fit in some time. Most operations will be SSB, while there should be two CW operators on hand to work the WARC bands.