Well, that was the last meeting of the year. Members gathered for a chat and mince pies, although some brought something more substantial.
Have a great holiday and come back for our first meeting on the 8th of January, 2015
Well, that was the last meeting of the year. Members gathered for a chat and mince pies, although some brought something more substantial.
Have a great holiday and come back for our first meeting on the 8th of January, 2015
The RSGB holds one hundred year’s of archive materials and Elaine Richards, G4LFM, explained how they are researching and cross referencing them. With assistance from Martin Atherton, G3ZAY, They have photos, documents, notes and QSL cards to sort for cataloguing. Scans and other digital files are being made using industry standards to facilitate access in the future. It is planned that the files will be made available to members for their own research. With a view to the future, Elaine stressed the importance of members to record their own ‘Living memory’ to be added to the archive.