Not quite as many members attended the Club Lunch this year, but those who came enjoyed the spring like day and the pleasant company!
Awards made were:
The Dr Little Cup to Paul Bradfield, G1GSN for the construction of a 4M antenna
The G4CBI Cup to Bryan Bourne, M0BIK the best presentation to the club by member.
The G3JKK Shield for Club Support to David Lloyd, G8UOD for his service to the club.
The Round Quize Trophy to Victor, G3JNB since he was a member of the team of 4 who won the Annual Club Quiz. (Team members were: Victor, G3JNB, Alan, G4PSO, Quentin, G0BVW and Bryan, M0BIK)
Other members who won, but who were not present were:
Paul Tewksbury who will receive the G8EMJ Shield for the Major Construction Project and Terry Rose, G4OXD who helped Bryan with the best presentation to the club by a club member.