18 May 2017 – The Magic of Six Metres

The Chairman of the UK six metre group, Chris, G4IFX paid a visit to tell about 6 metres. He started with the history from pre WWll to 1988 and told how it’s use changed during that period, including ITV television from 1848 to 1982. He demonstrated signals recorded during various modes of propagation and explained how to identify the characteristics.

Chris then detailed various digital modes often used on the band, and concluded with the band plan as produced by the RSGB.  Two amateur stations were described starting with the most modest at 25w to a vertical, followed by a station using 100w to a better 3 or 4 element beam.

Even with the modest station, DX signals can be worked on the band, but knowing when and where to look is the most important aspects of success


11 May 2017 – PYE Radio of Cambridge

Brian makes the introduction

A nearly full house heard Brian, G8GHR begin by telling of the start of Pye in Cambridge as a breakaway group from the Cavendish and Rugherford laboratories of the University of Cambridge. In 1896 William George Pye, who was workshop superintendent at the Cavendish Laboratory, left to found a one-man business making scientific instruments. W. G. Pye Ltd prospered and grew and in 1925 diversified into radio broadcast receivers and in 1935 into television reception.  Various items of equipment on display were identified and explained to the members.

Bryan, M0BIK then took up the story of Pye Ditton works who made portable and mobile communication equipment for commercial and government use. Numerous models of mobile equipment were discussed and smaller models lead to hand held versions for police and fire departments.

Graham, G3WQT told of Pye TVT and their involvement in early television systems of the forties up to the time of the Philips take over leading to the production of complete turn-key outside broadcast systems, high power fixed television transmitters  and ultimately Philips withdrawal in 1986-7.

During the presentations, Paul Schimmel had a 1963 PYE CCTV camera once owned by former member, Joe Fitzgerald, G3EUS, (SK) trained on the audience and the result displayed on a monochrome 405 line monitor.  The picture was excellent!