A Special Notice from the Committee – 18 June 2021

We have over the past few months seen different options provided by the government on when things get back to some form of normality.

Various options have been looked at, only to be dashed by new strains of the covid virus.

For this reason we are now looking at returning to the Community Hall (Club House) after what would be our normal summer break.

The most probable date will be 9 September, where hopefully things will have some semblance of normality for us all.

As you can imagine we do not have a full programme as yet as we have not been in a position to organise any activities, having said that I am sure many of you have kept yourselves busy in one way or another.

I am sure that there have been things you have built or contacts you have made that will interest us all and this will be a chance for you to let us all know what you have been up to.

Some members have already volunteered to give a talk, which will start the programme off.

There will be a Committee meeting to set out our plans to move forward and bring the club back to normality.

Keep an eye on our website or emails for information.

Hopefully by September we will be in a safe environment, however if things change we will have to make some adjustments.

Stay safe and well.
