Dennis Easterling, M0JXM, SK

2017 Class winner for construction

It was with great sadness we heard of the passing of Dennis on the 12th of August 2021.

Born in Blackheath, London in 1928 he was married in 1949.

His first job was Junior Clerk at the Radio Service Depot of GEC in Greycoat Street, London. He served National Service in 1946-1948:

Radar operator at Yatesby (Chippenham), RAF Sennen (Lands End),

RAF/RAE Farnborough, Welford (Buckinghamshire) and again at RAF Sennen.

Returned to GEC after National Service. Then to GEC Plymouth, and TMC St Paul’s Cray, Kent as Components Inspector in 1949.

He joined RAF Sennen as a civilian Radio Mechanic in 1950, arriving finally at RAF Henlow in 1969 as a member of Aeronautical Inspection Service for the Radio Engineering Unit in Calibration Development Squadron. He retired from the RAF in 1988, although returned part time in 1990.

While living at Biggleswade. He wrote books, including: Oscilloscope Equipment (1958),  Practical Radio Inside Out (1959), A High Fidelity Stereogram (1960),  Using an Oscilloscope (1960),  Practical Introduction to Digital ICs (1977),  It’s All Been Fun – An autobiography,  Also articles in magazines – Radio Constructor

Dennis progressed through the courses to full licence – M3JXM, 2E0JXM becoming M0JXM in 2008. His early radio construction was a one valve radio with a HL2 valve and a TX from ex WD equipment. While at RAF Sennen he built a trawler band converter.

Operated SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31 from 5W to 40W. 40m dipole/T wire aerial, 3 band co-linear (VHF). Rigs: Yaesu FT-817 with linear amps. Also on 600m using homebuilt 25W transmitter. Dennis’s first QSO was with Dick Wolf at Sutton in 2005 on 2m. His first HF report was with G6INU in Sidcup. He joined the Club’s Top Band Net in 2005 on 1990 kHz AM using a FT817 and later Rod’s (G3JKK) home brew TX using a separate Lowe HF225 RX.

he was a member of SADARS since 2005 where he gave numerous technical talks.

As a keen constructer he won several prizes in the yearly contests. Dennis was a member of the RSGB since 2005 and a member of the G-QRP Club since 2012

As a valuable member of our club he will be greatly missed.

(Text from The Club Book of Members, by Brian Farey, G8GHR)
3 years ago on Dennis’ 90th birthday!