A total of 14 members and one visitor turned out for our annual meeting. Apologies were received from Owen, G0PHY, Geoff, G4CEP, Ron, M0WPY, Geoff, G3XDE and Ian, G1JCC.
After the usual reports from club officers, there followed the election of officers and committee members. Those elected were: Ken, G4YRF Chairman, David, G8UOD Secretary, Owen, G0PHY Treasurer, Don G4LOO Equipment and Contest Officer, Committee members elected were, John, G6RHL, Paul, G1GSN, Terry, G4OXD and Graham, G4JBD.
Steve Durham, M0DYR was returned as Auditor.
A brisk discussion followed during ‘Any Other Business’. Topics raised were suggestions for social events by Victor, G3JNB, A query about future Junk Sales by Brian, G8GHR and a question about future audio systems in the hall by John, G6RHL.
The meeting ended at 20:55. Tea and biscuits (plus cake supplied by John, G6RHL) were offered to all.