Our return to the club was to have taken place on 8th September, but the sad passing of our beloved Queen Elizabeth II earlier in the day demanded dacorum and respect, so the meeting was rightly postponed.
The following week, a small group met at the club house on the 14th and, over tea and biscuits at the bar – courtesy of the club – discussed the sad events of the past week.
We then convened for an informal discussion on our radio activities, among others, over the holiday period, chaired by Paul, G1GSN.
We discussed the article in this month’s RadCom, regarding the trend to a move from conversational contacts on the air to dry, automated exchanges of reports.
Graham G4JBD mentioned that he had been experimenting with a recently introduced conversational digital mode, VaraC, which he found to be very efficient and easy to use, with good performance at very low signal levels. It is similar to Packet, but much faster and has forward error correction. It also has a beacon mode, with near live reporting on pskreporter.info There is also a mailbox feature, allowing you to leave messages for other amateurs, which can be picked up when they return to the air. The number of operators using the mode is still quite low, so contacts need some patience in calling CQ, but that should improve as word spreads on the advantages the mode has to offer.
That led to discussions of other keyboard modes, such as RTTY, and members reminisced about the Creed series of teleprinters, such as the 7B, 7E and 444, which are now quite rare and worthy of consideration as museum pieces. Andy, G4DAQ, recalled a time when many were being retired from service from the Harpenden ‘phone exchange, being left out in the rain, awaiting collection by the scrap man.
One of Andy’s acquaintances was a typing phenomenon and was known to send the Olivetti ‘golfball’ head flying from time to time.
Bob, M0IXM recalled his days at sea as a radio operator, taking down morse news broadcasts on paper, with handwriting which no one could read! This progressed to the use of a typewriter, and the challenges that posed, having to to type a word or two behind the incoming message, so as to get the Capital letters of any names or places correctly inserted, ready for direct publication and distribution among the ship’s passengers.
Paul gave us an update on his Austin 7 and its foray to National Austin Seven Rally at Beaulieu. A few more tasks remain in her renovation, in particular the gearbox, which makes unwelcome noises in 1st and 2nd gear.
Ian, G3ORG mentioned the forthcoming Steam Rally and country show being held at Turvey, from 16th to 18th September.
The meeting adjourned after just over an hour and Paul announced that the next meeting on the 22nd September would be presented by Bryan, G8DKK, on the subject of the Nano VNA.