23 March 2023 – The AGM

Twenty four members attended the AGM, that was a very good turn out!

All officers and committee members were returned unopposed with the provision that the Chairman will step down on 22 June. On that day (a Thursday) we will have an EGM to elect a replacement.

Discussions took place during the call for any other business. Mostly about future plans for the club.

The elected Committee and Officers are:

Ken Amos, G4YRF, Chairman                                                                                    David Lloyd, G8UOD, Secretary                                                                                 Owen Williams, G0PHY, Treasurer                                                                   Don Ross, G4LOO, Equipment and Contest Officer                                        Paul Bradfield, G1GSN                                                                                             John West, G6RHL                                                                                                          Terry Rose, G4OXD                                                                                                       Graham Lamming, G4JBD


16 Mar 2023 – An intro to VOACAP by Ken, G4YRF

The intro began with a short history of Voice of America transmissions and sites, including changes made after the cold war ended with stations being closed due to the advent of newer methods of communications, i.e. the internet and mobile phones etc.

Turning to the VOACAP propagation programme, it was shown that the software had been modified from the earlier ‘area coverage’ to ‘point to point’ forecasts more suitable to Radio Amateur needs.  The software was, in fact, rewritten by radio amateurs for radio amateurs.

Looking at the map, it was pointed out that most settings required by the user were grouped in clusters at the top corners of the display. In the power tab, there is a choice from 0.1W up to the excessive 20000W. (quite ‘over the top’ for amateur radio ops.)  Mode selection includes CW, SSB, AM, FT8, FT4, and WSPR.  Included is a long list of possible antennas for TX and RX. Fortunately, in the Settings section the three day Sun Spot Count is filled in automatically, but a choice can still be made for forecasts for transmissions to be made months in the future.  The included Help File is comprehensive and easy to use.

Opening view of VOACAP.

Find the site at www.voacap.com/hf/