15 June 2023 – Common HF Signals by Graham, G4JBD

Graham began with screen shots from a Kiwi SDR showing a transmission on 80m of eSSB, extended bandwidth SSB for ‘high quality,’ although a rather wide bandwidth for normal use!

Many other transmissions from around the world followed, some were ‘numbers stations’, others, weather maps and measurements, transmissions from air traffic control and aircraft digital condition reporting.

VARAC,  a new digital chat function for amateurs

Each signal was displayed as a spectrum with the associated sound. Another unusual sound often heard on HF is CODAR, Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar,  with it’s very unusual ‘ticking sound’

All together there were about thirty five different signals, although there must be many more on HF, and that doesn’t include those on VLF, VHF and UHF.  The last signal displayed looked like ‘hop scotch’ blocks and sounded like a metal grinder making different ‘tones,’ that was, as yet, an unknown.

You can watch the presentation at https://sadars.co.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/g4jbd_signals_talk.htm

As yet Unknown Data Burst transmission


8 June 2023 – Morse code Practise Evening

An evening of morse code practise was enjoyed by 2 groups, totalling 7 members.

One group was led by  Ken G4YRF, shown below, sending on his home-brew key and keyer …

Ken G4YRF keying to Geoff G3

And Richard G3NII sending perfect CW on a straight key …


Thank you Ken and Richard –  we all really enjoyed it!

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1 June 2023 – Chinese Modules – by Don, G4LOO

Just three modules described

Don titled this presentation Chinese Modules, as cheap as chips? And they truly were! These mass produced modules are produced in vast numbers by automatic assembly and are flow soldered for accuracy.  While not, perhaps, always as accurate as described in the included descriptions, they can do the job if not driven to the max etc.

First described were those units that were DC to DC converters,.      labelled as ‘Buck or Boost’ they are useful for DC Step up or Step down. They come in a range of voltages and cost just under £2.00 each, most with P & P included, from a number of dealers both in the UK and China.  Several modules were described for higher voltages and currents.

Next to be described were Switch mode power supplies, followed by Relay and timer modules, then Digital panel meters of various sizes and power handling. There were also modules for Audio such as 3V to 5V microphone preamps, and other higher powered amps for a bit over £2.00. Also described was an SDR module for just over £17.00.

Last but not least were the RF and Test modules. These included a 2W RF linear broadband amp for just over £10.00.  In total, Don described eight modules just used for measuring and testing, all well priced.

Don answered a few questions about how he had used the modules and during the presentation, passed around the modules for members to look at.

Simple 10kHz To 1GHz SDR

PS. In all, Don described 34 modules!