Sean began by explaining the evening would be a demonstration rather then a presentation. He had lined up several examples of the Teletype terminals with internet connections. The demo would show how terminals could contact each other over the internet. A Q&A soon followed and one reply was contacts between owners with terminals could access a directory of those other persons interested in making contacts. So, in that aspect, it works like a telephone system. Unlike RTTY over radio where anyone tuned in could listen
This system seems a good idea for those interested in collecting these machines to put them to good use without licensed transmitters and aerials In answer to a question about baud used, Sean said it was all 50 or 75 baud.
Sean explained his collection of machines come from U.S. England and around the EU. For the most part, although these machines can be rather old, the only maintenance was brushes for the motors as they would normally ware out over time and use.
Members had a chance to be “hands on” while asking questions and Sean explained some of the finer points of operations.
Sorry, but there will be no meeting at the hall tonight, the venue is being used for local elections.
Next week, our meeting will host a visiting speaker presenting a RTTY over the Internet demonstration by Sean M1ECY
The programme opened with a look back at last year’s contest, what went wrong and what went right. A chart showing QSOs per hour and another showing bands used during the contest. Following was lists of copy errors which cost points followed by logging errors and what to look for this year. An equipment run down followed including rig operations and amp turning.
This year the setting up will start on Friday, 27th October at 10am. The contest runs for 48 hours starting at midnight Saturday 28th and ends Midnight Sunday 29th
It was pointed out that members should not forget there will be a taking down and packing up on the following Monday, the 30th starting at 10am.
If your name is not on the rota, you can see the current state by checking the ‘Operator’s Rota’ tab on this site.
The members of Shefford’s oldest continuous ‘social club’, gathered on September 5th 2023, to mark seventy five years of successful amateur radio activities, including HF and VHF/UHF contesting, construction work, top class lectures and good comradeship.
Remarkably, several ‘founders’ were present and splendid twin screen videos were much admired as they showed highlights from the very earliest days to more recent occasions. Filmed at the National Field Day events, guests saw themselves, and the many young families, picnicking whilst the serious work of running a pile-up on home brew equipment and ex WD receivers generating much discussion … ”Do you remember that A88?”
Reminiscing was much in order and many tales of past events told with wistful looks and, naturally, thoughts turned to the radical changes seen in the hobby and what we might expect in the future.
Text by Victor, G3JNB
Photos by David G8UOD
An active amateur radio society with a wide range of activities and benefits for members.