18 Feb 2016 – Heritage Railways in the UK by Richard Crane

Heritage 1A good club turnout came to hear Richard tell about the UK’s Heritage Railways.
Richard is very knowledgeable of the subject as well as being enthusiastic. His slide presentation detailed the results of various rebuilding projects from narrow gauge to full size engines. All done by volunteers who not only rebuild but help finance the projects through fund raising. To make matters more difficult, almost all of the restoration is done in the open air! Restorations need to be covered during bad weather and heavy lifting equipment has to be hired in when things need moving.
The engines which have been bought from scrap yards where they have been rusting for the last twenty five years are now looking like new and running on their own rails. A feat that many thought could not be accomplished by volunteers.

Photos courtesy of heritage-railways.com
Photos courtesy of heritage-railways.com