24 Oct. 3013 – This Year’s Club Project

The long awaited project for this year was started last evening. Richard, G3NII gave a short presentation starting with a block diagram showing how the various parts work together. That was followed by a more detailed view of the circuit diagram detailing the interaction of the various components. Richard then handed out the first part of the kit; the project box and some copper sheet for lining. Also included were detailed instructions for cutting the display opening and battery well, and drilling instructions to take the various knobs etc.  The finished Antenna Analyzer will feature a three line display showing all the relevant measurements in one view.

17 Oct. 2013 – The Autumn Junk Sale

The club decided long ago that we would not rely on Junk Sales to fund club activities. That would come from members subscriptions.  I suppose, in the back of many members minds was the realization that good returns from junk sales might not continue forever. Last evening proved the truth of those thoughts!  Although the turnout was favourable the ‘junk’ did not materialise. Nearby clubs had been notified and the turnout was pretty fair, but the evenings takings were down on the usual amount we have grown to expect. 

Still, since we were not depending on the income to fund our existence, the result was still good.  And some who made successful bids took away items still in unopened boxes!   Not a bad result, really.

10 Oct 2013 – Restoring Old TVs by Paul Schimmel

A good crowd turned out to hear Paul tell of finding old 405 Line black and white TV sets and making them work again. Surprisingly, he always looks for those sets that are quite dirty since that may indicate they haven’t been subjected to earlier ‘restorations’

 His simple approach to repairs belies a deep understanding of just what might be problematic and how to fix it. Fortunately, some models of TV sets were very popular and they now provide a source of parts for repairs.

 By using a converter, Paul was able to show video from DVDs and an unexpected treat was seeing two sets actually working and showing The Coronation, which of course, was why most of these sets were originally purchased in 1953.58535865

3 October 2013 – CQWW SSB Contest Planning

As contests go, this one is the mainstay of the club’s activities in HF contesting. The club’s equipment officer, Don, G4LOO, although not the contest officer, gave a presentation on our participation in CQWW SSB through the years. Members were pleasantly surprised to see that the club has made steady progress towards the top of the category.

 Members could see from Don’s facts that there is still plenty of room for improvement!  Details showed that the improvement can come from simple changes and that wholesale changes were not required.  Accuracy in logging was one way to make a marked improvement.  Rule infringements were few, but it hadn’t been noticed that a more prompt submission is now required. That should be easily addressed. Members were agreed that this club’s setup for contesting would be the envy of many clubs. 

The rota will be posted elsewhere on this website, so members can always find a spot to lend a hand.